At a glance

  • Country:
  • Sector:
  • SDG Impact: 16
  • Client: EU
  • Start date: 06/2022
  • End date: 05/2024
  • Duration:
  • Budget: 6.000.000 €
  • Type:


We are intervening within an instable and always changing political/security landscape, in a divided country. In order to provide Libya with opportunities for stabilisation, it is essential to improve the security services delivered by the state to its citizens.


This project aims to support Libya’s institutional development towards a stable, functioning country through the deployment of expertise in the area of stabilization and human security so that Libyan institutions execute their functions in a conflict sensitive and human rights compliant manner. Libya has been highly instable since 2011, with competing governments and rivaling armed groups, making any effort for development and cooperation difficult to implement. Stabilisation and security are therefore among the most urgent sectors to be addressed, in order to enable any positive change in Libya.


Our action is composed of training and equipment, but mainly aims at accompanying Libyan institutional structures into long-lasting changes. To do so, our activities include mentoring by the experts, to keep training the beneficiaries in their daily tasks, as well as regular consultations between the management of beneficiary institutions and PACE’s management and local staff. This constant exchange with Libyan stakeholders is a key element to ensure the integration of international standards, within the beneficiaries’ working processes, for our support to continue having an impact beyond the project’s lifespan.


Responding to the Libyan government’s request to support the Tourism Police (TP) and Department of Antiquities (DoA) in the protection of cultural heritage, EULEAD contributed to implementing concrete measures for protecting the Sabratha archaeological site, including training TP staff, provision of surveillance equipment and conducting awareness raising activities. Since 2023, EULEAD aims at a more institutional long-term development, through the training and mentoring of TP high-ranked officers.
Since November 2021, EULEAD has developed a set of processes and procedures to operate the elections operations room of the General Department for Security Operations (GDSO), tasked by the Ministry of Interior to manage the security of the election. The room’s function will be to monitor security incidents during the elections period, to inform decision-makers and help coordinating incident responses.
Following the UN ceasefire agreement in October 202, with a view to ensure the governance of the Coastal Road Security Unit, two MoI representatives have been nominated for the Security Arrangement Committee (SAC). For this joint dispositive to be quickly active on the ground an urgent infrastructure work was needed to launch further capacity building of this coastal road security unit. To do so, EULEAD provided accommodation and administrative units to the SAC personnel deployed and helped setting up a new strategic checkpoint. Cover hangars were installed to cover the road at the three locations to allow police controls.
Due to the multiple wars post Second World War, Libya is highly contaminated with Explosives Remnants of War. At the end of the Haftar-led offensive on the South of Tripoli, in the summer 2020, additional Improvised Explosive Devices and ERWs were left by the Wagner Group in once populated areas. The significant contamination of populated areas by ERWs and mines could only be addressed through long-term investment and the establishment of governance systems. 
Since 2020, EULEAD has supported the CID by reinforcing their operational capacities, enabling the deployment of their EOD teams without casualties among operators, and tons of explosive destroyed by the CID since the project’s intervention. Moreover, the project is working on sustainable institutional capacity building through the development of an operations room and resources management database.
Following the discovery of mass graves in Tarhuna, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) called for the formation of a fact-finding committee that should investigate those crimes and asked the EU for technical support. Between 2021 and 2022, EULEAD provided four Ground Penetrating Radar and trained four CID team (from Tripoli, Sabha and Benghazi). Thanks to this support CID staff are now able to quickly and systematically search sites were mass graves are supposed to be located. 
On 26th of July 2021, EULEAD team received a request for support from the Ministry of Interior, to support the modernization of the MoI Media Office (MO). The MO is acting under the supervision of the Relations and Cooperation Department (RCD), in charge of public relations and international cooperation for the MoI.
Through the various media it uses, the MO aims at building confidence between the MoI and the public. Indeed, if the MO publishes the latest news about the MoI, its main focus is to inform the population about crime trends in Libya. It is therefore taking care of official communications between the MoI and the public. Given this key role, it is essential to ensure the MoI’s MO team is able to publish content reflecting positively on the MoI, but it is also important for the MoI to adopt a unified language and communication.


1415 is an independent, Tripoli based emergency call operator using the direct toll-free number 1415. The initiative is a local civil society initiative run by a non-profit organization. It was first created in 2014 during the Libya Dawn conflict in Tripoli to help civilians report public safety issues using Facebook. To further develop the 1415 outreach in Libya, EULEAD helped the organization open 2 new centres in Sabha and Gharyan, as well as train addition staff in Tripoli to respond to the growing requests received by the call centre.