At a glance

  • Country:
    Multi Country
  • Sector:
  • SDG Impact: 16
  • Client: EU
  • Start date: 02/2023
  • End date: 02/2026
  • Duration:
  • Budget: 2.200.000 €
  • Type:


High intensity wildfires and extreme floods amongst Europe and its neighbors, mostly caused by climate chance, demonstrated the need to act properly on disaster risk management.  


Effective disaster risk management is crucial for every country to help the population be prepared and to better face and cope with disasters. This project is covering Preparedness, Prevention and Reduction, and Response depending on the situation necessary to enhance the resilience of societies. 
On the other hand, civil protection lacks inter-agency coordination. Complementarity with national policies according to risk developments and synergies between agencies are thus of outmost importance. This project seeks to create synergies with ongoing projects in both regions, coordination and complementarities with similar regional or bilateral initiatives and synergies with other bodies of the EC and promote resilience and sustainability.  


In order to help the population be better prepared to face with disasters, the project adopts an effective disaster risk management approach that includes Preparedness, Prevention and Reduction, and Response. PACE also applies a strategy of revision, recommendation and capacity building, based on the consultant’s understanding of the context of the project countries, and drawing on the best practices and lessons learned from bilateral and multilateral activities undertaken by the Consultant. Finally, PACE adopts in this project an open, flexible, adaptable and responsive approach to advocacy and communication taking in consideration institutional awareness and general public awareness.


Needs Assessments in overall 17 countries are carried out by two Key On Site Assistance (OSA) Experts, accompanied by the short-term expert pool mobilised on demand. The Expert Team provides expertise and recommendations on preparedness to national governments and undertakes advisory missions to improve preparedness strategies. The overall aim is to strengthen the capacities of the respective national protection mechanism by enhancing international cooperation and exchange. 

The organisation of regional meetings identifying the priority of the countries, round up the services. 

Close cooperation with national and regional institutions, as the Union pour La Mediterranean.