At a glance

  • Country:
    Multi Country
  • Sector:
  • Key topic:
  • SDG Impact: 16
  • Client: EU
  • Start date: 05/2024
  • End date: 11/2027
  • Duration:
  • Type:


The evolving nature of the CBRN threats facing the world today remains high and is regarded as a serious concern for international peace and security. Effective CBRN security requires cooperation and coordinated action between and within governments, the industry, civil society, the media, and individuals, at country; regional and international level.


The project aims at improving the preparedness, detection of, response and mitigation against risks related to CBRN materials and associated installations or sites in Partner Countries (PCs). It will also contribute to increasing the sustainability of the results achieved with capacity building and equipment supply projects funded by the EU CBRN program.


The project team will maintain a flexible approach to the project due to the demand-driven bottom-up nature of the initiative. The team will organize national and multi-country table top and field exercises, simulations and trainings to reinforce the risk mitigation capabilities of partners and beneficiaries based on the requests received by the CBRN CoE PCs. Furthermore, the project will assess the effectiveness of plans and procedures in realistic conditions and explore and test new response arrangements. 


The project will contribute to address specific global and trans-regional threats to peace, security and stability by improving the preparedness, detection of, response and mitigation against risks related to CBRN materials and associated installations or sites in Partner Countries. The expert team will support the EU CBRN CoE (Centres of Excellence) PCs in organising exercises to strengthen capabilities on CBRN preparedness and response to CBRN events.


‘CBRN is unfamiliar to most people, and even to most responding agencies, which is why exercises are of critical importance in raising awareness and challenging existing plans for these infrequent but highly-destructive incidents. In CBRN, failure during an exercise leads to a positive outcome – failure during a real-life incident leads to tragedy.’
John Jones, Team Leader