At a glance

  • Country:
    North Macedonia
  • Sector:
  • SDG Impact: 16
  • Client: EU
  • Start date: 11/2022
  • End date: 05/2027
  • Duration:
  • Type:


In March 2020, North Macedonia opened accession negotiations with the EU. Yet, the candidate country still needs to align with EU standards, implement fundamental reforms, and strengthen institutional capacities in order to comply with the acquis and the clusters. 


The objective of the project is to support the EU Accession of North Macedonia through the strengthening of the strategic planning, reporting and communication; the provision of assistance in the accession process through strategic, methodological and operational framework; improvement of absorption capacity of EU Funds; and the increasing of EU’s communication and visibility. 


The project works across four components to achieve the objectives. The first one involves Sector Policy Reforms, emphasizing the strengthening of policy dialogue through Sector Working Groups (SWGs) and updating strategic frameworks. Component 2 focuses on supporting North Macedonia’s EU accession process, enhancing the Accession Framework, aligning with EU standards, and ensuring transparency. Component 3 aims at managing EU Funds, reorganizing financial management systems, supporting programming and implementation of IPA funds, and enhancing monitoring and communication efforts. The last component, Communication and Visibility, aims at enhancing communication on country policies, EU accession and EU assistance. Each component contributes to North Macedonia’s alignment with EU standards and effective utilization of EU funds.


Component 1: Sector Policy Reforms
SUPRAE collaborated with stakeholders like the EU, USAID, and UN Women to coordinate policy dialogue for Sector Working Groups (SWGs). In Q2 2023, eight SWGs addressed topics including public administration, local governance, financial management, energy, health, and transport. The project also supported strategic policy document development and updated the Performance Assessment Framework indicators.

Component 2: EU Accession Process
SUPRAE facilitated North Macedonia's EU accession by preparing roadmaps for democratic institutions and minority rights, and simulating negotiations for Chapter 22. It also developed procedures and methodologies for implementation.

Component 3: EU Funds Management
SUPRAE supported alignment with IPA III requirements, prepared procedural manuals, and organized IPA training workshops. It assisted in preparing a self-assessment report for IPARD Measure 6 on rural infrastructure investments.


SUPRAE supports North Macedonia’s EU accession by strengthening strategic planning, enhancing policy dialogue, aligning with EU standards, managing EU funds, and increasing communication and visibility.