In February 2024, GOPA PACE in partnership with the United National Mission in South Sudan successfully conducted two trainings to justice actors in Malakal and Renk, South Sudan. 

The first training (“Support to Local Customary Court Members”), focused on enhancing familiarity with legal hierarchies and promoting compliance with international law among customary court members.

The second training (“Trial Advocacy skills”), aimed to strengthen the adversarial system by improving the abilities of advocates and prosecutors. This initiative provided justice actors with advanced knowledge in their respective fields, empowering them to actively engage in transitional justice efforts in South Sudan. 

The four-year project "Technical Support to Transitional Justice", implemented by GOPA PACE from 2020 to 2024, aims to facilitate transitional justice in post-war South Sudan across governmental, community, and individual levels, ultimately contributing to sustainable peace and reconciliation in the country. Notably, the project has already yielded immediate results by equipping prosecutors, advocates, and court members with the necessary skills to hold perpetrators accountable, thus contributing to the tangible implementation of Chapter V of the transitional contribution.
 Transitional justice in South Sudan aims to address past grievances and promote accountability to pave the way for lasting peace and reconciliation. 


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