At a glance

  • Country:
    North Macedonia
  • Sector:
  • Key topic:
  • SDG Impact: 16
  • Client: EU
  • Start date: 05/2017
  • End date: 11/2022
  • Duration:
  • Budget: 3.862.650 €
  • Type:


The primary objective was to enhance understanding of the Sector Approach and promote ownership among stakeholders, thereby creating a common framework for effectively managing and monitoring European Union funds. It also focused on fostering institutional and professional growth among all relevant stakeholders.


The rationale behind this project was twofold: first, to assist North Macedonia in efficiently programming, managing, and monitoring EU funds, and second, to increase the absorption rate of EU funds. This project was beneficial for both the EU, as it facilitated the utilization of its funds, and the beneficiary, as it brought them closer to EU integration.


Producing Reports:
Reports on the Sector Approach, Action fiches, and Action Documents were developed for IPA 2023 and the Strategic Response.
Capacity Building:
MoEPP (Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning) staff were trained on the functioning of the PAF (Performance Assessment Framework) website.
Procedural Enhancements:
IMBC (Institutional Management and Capacity Building) procedures and instructions for the preparation of the IPA (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance) Annual report were finalised.
Study Visits:
Study visits on structural funds were organized to facilitate knowledge sharing and learning.


Strengthened Sector Approach (SA) Framework: The project contributed to enhancing the SA framework, promoting a more systematic and coordinated approach to sector-specific challenges.
Strategic Planning Support: Horizontal support was provided to national authorities for strategic planning of the IPA assistance across all sectors.
Stakeholder Involvement: Stakeholders actively participated in the preparation of Action Fiches for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023, ensuring a more inclusive and informed decision-making process.
Performance Assessment Framework (PAF): Support was extended for establishing a PAF, a critical tool for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of EU funds utilization.
Enhanced Sector Coordination: The project contributed to better coordination and functioning within sectors, fostering collaboration and synergy among stakeholders.
Improved Planning and Management: Procedures for IMBC in the Environment and Transport sectors were developed, enhancing planning, management, reporting, and assessment capacities.
Support to Programming: Assistance was provided for programming of IPA funds, including the preparation of Action Documents, feasibility studies, technical specifications, and designs for various years.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Support to NIPAC (National IPA Coordinator) was extended for monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of the IPA implementation at the program level.
IT Tools Enhancement: IT tools and systems were improved through consultative support, facilitating more efficient data management and reporting.
Sustainable Training: The project supported the establishment of a sustainable training function related to IPA activities, ensuring the long-term capacity development of stakeholders.


- Online trainings on PAF for approx. 150 public administration staff
- 81 SWGs meetings organised
- 1 visualisation map of all projects financed by the EU in North Macedonia 
- 82 days of trainings and 3 study visits organised