At a glance

  • Country:
  • Sector:
  • Key topic:
  • SDG Impact: 16
  • Client: EU
  • Start date: 01/2021
  • End date: 02/2024
  • Duration:
  • Type:


In 2013, crime and violence were major threats to Jamaica's development due to poor youth development, lack of economic opportunities, and public apathy. The country had one of the highest homicide and violent crime rates in the region. To address these issues, in May 2020, the Government of Jamaica approved the $43-billion programme with EU support.


The Citizen Security Plan (CSP) is a multi-sectoral initiative in Jamaica that aims to improve the state's ability to provide safety and security, while also empowering citizens. This project is focused on enhancing the government's capacity to implement the CSP, promoting social inclusion in high-risk communities, and evaluating the framework of the CSP.


We worked with the CSP stakeholders for 3 years to support coordination, monitoring evaluation and learning (MEL) & data, and implementation capacity. We identified five key conditions for success: design, targeting & dosage, MEL, financial & technical capacity, and community engagement. Consistently strengthening these elements of the CSP led to a highly effective violence prevention programme.


- Consolidated MEL framework implemented, reducing indicators from 200+ to 77.
- Multi-sector efforts sustain collective action towards CSP goals and address social determinants of violence.
- Inter-Ministerial Schools Support Strategy piloted in 6 schools, targeting vulnerable schools and highest risk students.
- Successful piloting of Literacy Education Acceleration Programme literacy software intervention and training of teachers.
- Trauma training, mental health, music, and sports sessions delivered.
- St James Wellness Centre and Psychological First Aid course developed, expanding psychosocial support and 46 front-line community members and service providers trained.
- Targeted support provided for at-risk youth through case management and employment skills training.
- New Risk Assessment Tool instrument developed for the younger age cohort.


“The CSP is a comprehensive and unified strategy aimed at ensuring citizen security in Jamaica.
Our project has successfully fostered the commitment of all stakeholders towards achieving the plan's significant outcomes for the country.
We continue committed towards creating a brighter future for Jamaican citizens.” 
Irem Ozturk, Project Manager