GOPA Partners in Action for Change and Engagement (GOPA PACE) is thrilled to have been selected for two new lots under the new Framework Contract for EU’s External Action 2023 (FWC SEA 2023), that will be running from January 2024 to December 2027. 

Awarded in late 2023, the lots focus on very relevant topics such as Security, Conflict Prevention, Sustaining Peace and Building Resilience (Lot 11, under GOPA PACE leadership) and Migration and Forced Displacement (Lot 14, under ICE leadership) that have an important impact on people and communities all over the world.

The Requests for Services are expected to include providing technical inputs, assisting in carrying out analysis, conducting studies and providing opinions and advice. They will require a rapid mobilisation of expertise based on specific needs.
 Our key to success builds on our worldwide coverage and access to local expertise, as well as on the complementary collaborations based on technicity and trust. 
In this regard, Mihaela Dascultu, Managing Director of GOPA PACE, pointed out that the diversity of Partnership Countries (PCs) requires flexibility and adaptation of services to each specific local context. “One of our main assets is our global geographical reach, guaranteed through the GOPA Group and GOPA PACE’s permanent and international offices. This is complemented by the vast presence of our local network and strategic partnerships, as well as the country knowledge of our permanent and associated experts” she continued. 

Following the successful implementation of FWC SIEA 2018, the GOPA PACE Consortium was set to ensure sectoral coverage in a complementary and synergetic manner. Each partner was chosen based on their degree of specialisation, resources and capacities. 

Jorge Cabaco, Area Director and coordinator of the GOPA PACE’s in-house FWC Department expressed that “our consortium is not a joint venture of companies and organisations with no common history or prior experience in working together. On the contrary, almost every member has been implementing FWC with GOPA PACE and ICE in the past, and we will work together as a single integrated structure, which holds effective management practices, excellent communication and organisational skills, sound judgement, and long experience in the Framework Contract environment.”
 The global reach allows the Expert Team to deliver pertinent, reliable and specific advice, supported by a good understanding of the local context and situation. 
Through GOPA PACE, GOPA Worldwide Consultants, and GOPA AFC, GOPA Consulting Group has a significant presence as consortium partner in other five lots:  
Lot 3: Food systems, Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition; 
Lot 6: Macro-economic analysis, Fiscal Policies, Budget Support; 
Lot 7: Micro-economic analysis, Investment Climate, Private Sector, Trade and Employment; 
Lot 8: Sustainable Financing for Development; and 
Lot 15: Monitoring  

GOPA PACE invites all experts interested and specialised in the above-mentioned sectors to register or update their profile and CV in our Expert database hosted on our website:   


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