The Final Roundtable of the EU-funded project "Support for the Kosovo Competition Authority and State Aid Commission" was held in Pristina on 25 January, concluding a five-year technical support initiative that addressed what is, in EU's view, one of the most important reform fields in the country. 

The event brought together key stakeholders, including representatives from the EU Office in Kosovo, the Kosovo Assembly, the Prime Minister's Office, the Competition Authority, the State Aid Department of the Ministry of Finance, and international experts. The focus of the discussions centered on the progress in competition policy and state aid regulation, with a forward-looking approach towards sustainability and alignment with EU standards. 

Progress in Kosovo's legislative landscape

Acknowledging Kosovo's strides in adopting regulations related to competition policy and state aid, the Roundtable highlighted the importance of continued alignment with the EU acquis. While praising the efforts made so far, the emphasis was on ensuring effective enforcement in line with the country's commitments under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and other treaties with the EU. The discussions underscored the need for ongoing efforts to maintain regulatory alignment and adherence to EU standards.

Conclusion of the EU-Funded Project

The Roundtable served as a platform to commemorate the conclusion of the EU-funded project that provided comprehensive support to Kosovo in developing both competition policy and state aid regulation. Over the past five years, the project offered full-service support covering new legislation, conducting extensive training programmes, building institutional capacity, and raising awareness. The collaboration involved a diverse group of stakeholders, all working towards enhancing Kosovo's regulatory landscape.

Review and future directions

The event allowed participants to reflect on the key achievements of the project and the next steps for Kosovo. The focus was on embedding the support provided by the project into the ongoing work of the Competition Authority and State Aid authorities. Participants also engaged in discussions about the future challenges that both sectors might face, emphasizing the importance of sustained efforts and collaboration to address evolving regulatory needs.

Sustainability and future challenges

A crucial aspect of the Roundtable discussions was the future sustainability of the progress made in competition policy and state aid regulation. As the country moves forward, ensuring a robust regulatory framework, continuous alignment with EU standards, and effective enforcement mechanisms will be essential to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

The EU's support over the past five years has positioned Kosovo on a path toward sustainable competition and state aid practices. The Roundtable not only celebrated the achievements but also reflected on the need for follow-up actions and a future where Kosovo can confidently navigate the complexities of the evolving regulatory landscape.

 From the EU perspective, it is one of the most important reform fields; it takes time, consistent effort, and clear political will.  I hope the Kosovo authorities will act decisively and soon to maximise the benefits of the extensive support that the project has provided in the past five years.

Tomas SZUNYOG, EU Ambassador to Kosovo


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