In a dynamic gathering of key stakeholders and decision-makers, the SUPRAE (Support For Policy Reforms, Accession, and Effectiveness) project reached a pivotal moment during its third Steering Committee Meeting held on 26 February 2024, at the Secretariat for European Affairs in Skopje, North Macedonia. This meeting marked a crucial milestone in the project's ongoing efforts to contribute to propel North Macedonia towards EU accession and foster sustainable change in the country.

The meeting centered around a comprehensive review of the project's progress, challenges encountered, and upcoming activities. Aligned with the 2nd interim report, the participants engaged in constructive discussions, addressing critical aspects of the SUPRAE project. One of the key highlights was the introduction of a Proposal for questionnaire circulation, designed to optimize resource distribution and enhance the project's overall effectiveness.

In response to the evolving landscape, modified indicator values were presented for consensus, allowing the Steering Committee to adapt to the changing needs and circumstances. This adaptive approach ensures that SUPRAE remains agile in its pursuit of enhancing North Macedonia's EU accession dynamics.

A significant aspect of the meeting was the examination of expanded project activities. Through consultations with both the beneficiary and the Contracting Authority (CA), the Steering Committee navigated the anticipation of signing the project addendum. The proposed 12-month time extension and an increase in the budget stand as necessary measures foreseen under this amendment, highlighting the project's commitment to addressing emerging challenges and ensuring sustainable success.
 As we navigate the journey towards EU accession, SUPRAE remains a beacon of progress, embodying the spirit of collaboration and commitment to a better future for North Macedonia. 

Igor Jovanoski, Project Manager GOPA PACE

SUPRAE stands as GOPA PACE's flagship project in North Macedonia, strategically addressing key aspects of the country's EU accession dynamics. At the heart of the project is the unwavering commitment to supporting North Macedonia's EU accession. The project aims to enhance national capacity for structural reforms, align horizontal systems and standards with the EU, and ensure that invested EU funds contribute significantly to improving the everyday lives of the people in the country. The project is implemented by GOPA PACE (Consortium lead), in partnership with WE GLOBAL & STANTEC, bringing together expertise and innovation to driving positive change in North Macedonia.


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