Within the scope of the project ‘‘Support EU Communication Programme in Türkiye” implemented for the Delegation of the European Union in the country, we support every year the planning, organisation and implementation of the Europe Day events. 

On 7 May, a reception was hosted by Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu at the Haliç Congress Centre in Istanbul, the event offering a performance by Barbados. 

Europe Day, marking the foundation of the EU, was also celebrated on 9 May at Ankara Cermodern. The theme was "Values & History That We Share" and "Peace & Prosperity That We Build." and attendees included Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozay, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services Ambassador Yavuz Selim Kiran, and Ankara Mayor Mansur Yavas.

EU Delegation Head Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut and Ambassador Bozay opened a digital photography exhibition showcasing joint EU-Türkiye cultural heritage projects. HE Mr Meyer-Landrut emphasized the EU's founding values and solidarity with Türkiye during recent crises, highlighting the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, and underscoring the importance of peace. On his side, Mr Bozay reiterated Türkiye's commitment to EU membership and called for concrete EU actions. 

The event concluded with music (Haïdouti Orchestra), and with the TOBB Twin Towers illuminated in EU colors.

As anticipated, the events were organised within the scope of our project ‘‘Support EU Communication Programme in Türkiye” through which we are honoured to support, every year, the planning, organization and implementation of Europe Day events. 

Photo credit: European Union


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